Thursday, August 13, 2009

Must I have something to say?

Because, honestly, I don't.

It's not that I haven't done much. I have. I've had quite a good few days. I just don't feel like writing about them.

But that would be going against my promise to myself to write, write, write!! No matter how boring or mundane the subject. I will not let myself down!

Well, what's happened? My sister came out to visit me Tuesday. Actually, I went out to get her. I went to my parent's house early-around 1:00. I didn't leave until around 7:00. Why? Because my mom and sister Amber went to go see THREE movies (not ONE of them of J&J how horrible!) and I was left alone with my Dad and Marie. And my Dad is not a fun person to be left alone with. I blogged for awhile, and I wrote some old friends but soon I got bored. What was my Dad doing this whole time? Playing video games...he needs to get off the couch and do something. Anyway how the hell am I going to leave Khodi and take Marie when my Dad is just sitting on the couch? Do I just thrust Khodi into his arms and wave goodbye?? No. It took me forever to gather the courage to approach him. And by that time I was too exhausted to have a wonderful time with my sister.

It's a good thing I managed to get her to stay the next day! She and I did laundry at my apartment (Justin was working late) and we cooked the most magnificent dinner!! I loved it. Took one bite and I was in heaven. I don't think it has a name but it's pork chops in the crock pot with Cream of Chicken soup, ketchup, and Worcestershire sauce cooked on high for 4 hours. I know, there's not much cooking involved with a Crock Pot but I'm new at this housewife thing and if it makes me a good meal, I'm not complaining. Anyway, pour the sauce and chicken over some rice (or egg noodles) and viola! A deliciously simple meal. Absolutely orgasmic!!! I'll be making it again soon, I know :)

I love it when Marie spends the night with me. She's the best. She's my best friend in the WHOLE world and it's just the greatest that she's my sister. We get along better than anyone. I've never been more at ease with someone in my life. We can just laugh and laugh with each other all day long. And we can even tell each other when we're being stuid without being too scared of hurt feelings. She's amazing. I wish upon everyone a friend as amazing as her!!

Anyway, Justin and I have been alot more romantic lately. I think it's because he's been working so much. Also because we're both scared of this surgery. We want things to go well this week...just in case. ( I hate having those thoughts but they won't go away...sorry)

(paranthetical side note: I just realized I need to limit my use of the word gets tedious)

Today Marie and I went to a matinee of (500) Days of Summer. I, unlike the rest of the world apparently, did NOT love this movie. Which sucks because I was soooooo waiting for it!! I wanted to see this movie as much as I wanted to see J&J!!! And that's a lot of wanting! And I left the theater sorely disappointed. I read other people's review of it and they all had valid thoughts. It was thoughtful, cunning, true to life, unique, fresh, etc. etc. But the one thing all the reviews left out is DEPRESSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wouldn't reccomend this movie to anyone. And that's huge for me to say for a few reasons. 1. I pretty much love every movie I see. I'm so easily amused. 2. This movie had Zooey Deschanel in it. And I looooove her!!! She's my top five actress!!! (Amy Adams, Zooey Deschanel, Nicole Kidman, Rachel McAdams, Keri Russel). There is no way I could hate a movie with her in it. I looooooove watching her! 3. Everyone I knew that saw it gave it great reviews 4. The commercial made me fall in love with it was the one movie (besides J&J) that I just HAD to see.

Needless to say I was highly disappointed

That's all, I guess. Fun times with my sister, romance with my husband, and a very depressing movie.

Oh! And Khodi got his (2) first haircuts! His first was from me and he looked pretty damn good! Just a little dorky lol. Then my parents went and got it professionally done and now he just looks super cute!!! I love his new haircut! :)

There you have it. I'll write back later, I promise. Seriously promise.


  1. Ok, so...I can't believe you did not LOVE 500 Days of Summer!!! Like you, J & J and this movie were the two this summer that I had to see. I thought it was so clever, witty, fresh, unpredictable, and sweet. You are looking at it w /a "glass half empty" mentality rather than "half full". Remember our tortured hero found Autumn in the end. Summer was put in his life for a season and a reason. That is part of the journey of life :)

  2. Oh I totally understand why you loved it! In all honesty it was a very good movie. It's weird. I completely "get" the movie. I can accept the fact that almost everyone in the whole world would probably love it because it's so unique. Very new. This world is so used to a certain cookie cutter image of love and this movie was nothing like that.

    Even still it was a sad movie and I didn't like it. I'm not a fan of sad movies :( ...unless they end happy lol

    I really am sad that I didn't like it. I so wanted to.

    Have you seen Sunshine Cleaning??? If not, rent it whenever it comes out and tell me what you thought of if. I LOOOVVVEEDD that movie!!! It's a shame it didn't get more publicity.

  3. I know what you mean about it being a little sad, but I tend to like sad movies, weird but true. (as long as they are good)
    I really did want to see that movie, I will make a point to rent it, maybe tonight, my oldest daughter and I are home alone, that might be a good one for us, thanks for reminding of it.
