Saturday, August 15, 2009

How glorious the city can be

I am in no mood to write. I would rather THINK about writing and not actually do it right now :) However I made a serious promise to write back more later. And it's been two whole days since I last wrote. It's time for a new update.Well since it's only been two days there's not a world of interesting things to talk about. So don't be disappointed.

There is one thing I can talk about though :)

Yesterday my husband and I had a very romantic evening in Downtown Chicago. We left Khodi at my folks' house. They went to my Aunt's house because my cousin, Kyra, was having a "going away to college" party. I should have gone but I was in no mood to deal with that side of the family. Apparently it was fun, though! I didn't really miss out on too much because I had a great time too.

We got on the train at 6:00 to get to the city for approximately 7:00 ish. When we got there we didn't really DO anything. And that was the best part. We just walked and walked and walked. We got seriously lost on our way to Navy Pier and seriously lost on our way back. But that wasn't really the point. The point was we just spent time together alone in the [world's] most beautiful city enjoying the scenery. I love the hustle and bustle of people. I love the smell of the vendors and various restaurants. I love passing by a group of people and smelling the faintest scent of someones perfume :)

I especially loved hearing the people playing music on the corners of the streets. We passed one man on the way back to the train station playing a saxophone. As soon as he started playing my heart nearly stopped. It was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard. I wanted to sit and watch him play for hours but we were in a rush to catch the train but I could still hear it as I walked further away. The city can be so peaceful when you let it work it's magic.

We didn't spend much time down there. Just enough time to walk to Navy Pier, have a snack, a break, and walk back. Only about two hours. But it was such a magnificent two hours. It was SO incredibly romantic :) Then we rode the train home together (both of us exhausted from all the walking) and just talked and talked.

I love my husband, have I mentioned that?? His spontaneity is was drew me to him. We hadn't planned to go downtown or anything. He got home and I asked him what he wanted to do and he was like "I dunno, let's go downtown". And we did :) It was just brilliant. I love how he can make such a simple thing into something wonderful and romantic and completely memorable for me.

Till next time!!


  1. Sounds like a wonderful evening. It's good to spend time together w/out the kiddos. Getting lost is fun too, I recently got a little lost w/ my two best friends in Berkeley, at night, on foot. It was incredibly fun! Roaming through an old neighborhood w/ all the beautiful old houses, with their lights on so we could kinda seen in. Laughing and trying to remember where we parked!
